The first is your traditional Salt Dough:
1 cup salt (1 canister salt $.99)
1/2 cup of water
(well, in California, this is probably the most expensive ingredient, but you get the idea)
(well, in California, this is probably the most expensive ingredient, but you get the idea)
roll out
bake @ 200, 3 hours, flip once.
Roll out to 1/4 in on a floured surface and either make your hand/foot prints or use your cookie cutters and stamps.
Bake at 200F for 3 hours, flipping once half way through.
We used water colors to paint them after they cooled, but I think painting them before the bake is the way to go. I plan on using pretty sharpies to write the "to and froms" on the front. My precious angel baby refused to take part in any decorating, coloring, painting, or other personalization of the shapes we cut out, but YOUR young artist may appreciate the chance to put his or her own special touch on the gifts they give.
The second was a new one for me. The website I got the idea from actually calls it "Better than Salt Dough Clay" because IT IS!
1/2 cup Cornstarch ($1.99)
1 cup baking soda ($.78)
3/4 cup water
roll out
bake @ 175, 2 hours, flip once
In a pot over medium heat, stir constantly till all ingredients are incorporated and the mixture is smooth like mashed potatoes. I kept stirring it for as long as I could to get as much moisture out as possible.
Transfer to a bowl and cover with saran wrap to let it cool. Once the temperature is comfortable to touch, begin kneading, adding cornstarch as you go if it is too wet.
If it's sticking to your fingers, it's too wet.
Roll it out to 1/4 inch on a corn starched surface and cut out your shapes.
I painted them first, don't forget to poke your holes for the ribbon, and then baked for 2 hours at 175, flipping once halfway through. I'm pretty sure mine cracked because I forgot the holes and poked them at the halfway point when I flipped them.
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