Here's a fun Thanksgiving craft idea you can make with things you already have at home! It's a book made from brown paper bags. We made it with a holiday theme but the possibilities for personalization and materials are endless.
The idea was to make it look like a turkey, beak on the front and feathers sticking up around the back page, but my niece went her own direction with the idea and made fall leaves instead of feathers and the result was a precious peek into her sweet little world.
We cut out the feather/leaf shapes from empty boxes and packages headed for the recycle bin.The bright coloring and exaggerated images of every day items took on a unique pop-art look when we started deconstructing things.
It was a great opportunity to discuss the topic of waste and recycling and the fun of finding ways to reuse and re purpose things we take for granted. Sure, we could have gone to the craft store for feathers and things, but it was much more fun to cut the shapes out of packaging we'd normally not take a second look at and turn them into something else. We also got to discuss the less obvious things we can be thankful for such as the box that keeps the Cheerios crunchy or the power that makes the toaster work for the Eggos.
- Brown paper lunch bags
- Empty food containers or waste paper for feathers
- Stapler
- Markers, paint, crayons, etc
- scissors
Little Brother got to make his own book |
First decide how many pages you want your book to be.
Stack the bags on top of each other and fold them in half.
Staple along the fold to make a spine.